This SainSonic AX-05B 0.5W Long Range (10km) Dual Mode Stereo Broadcast FM Transmitter broadcasts wirelessly in both High and Low Power Output Modes (0.5 Watt or 0.1 Watt).
It promises you wireless music, audio, or voice throughout your house and better yet, your whole entire property to any FM Radio in its path – including boom boxes, FM headsets, handheld radios, FM Receivers, car stereos, etc with its durability, design, sound quality, and versatility.
Not approved by the FCC and operating them is a violation of Federal law with a penalty in the thousands of dollars and even jail time.
We want you to be aware of the risks and legal implications of using a transmitter without FCC equipment authorization. The company selling these and the consumers buying them are opening themselves up to serious legal risks!